
What is food photography?

  What is food photography?   How to improve your food photography skills. My Current Camera & Lenses (2021)   I use a Canon EOS R with a Sigma 50mm Macro lens for all of my photography. I typically shoot in manual mode to get the perfect photo. When shooting macro, I typically use a white foam core board to get the various angles that I need. Editing photos is one of the best ways to make your content look more interesting in relation to what you are trying to portray. Did you know that editing images can be super fun, not just for professionals? Anyone can edit their own images using simple editing software like Photoshop. You can save your edited photos to your album so that you can share them with friends or family and help them identify what you're trying to show them.​ When it comes to food photography, it's very important to practice food photography skills. If you don't practice these skills, then your photos will be out of focus, blurry and dull.